High Blood Pressure Coalition: Take the Pressure Off, NYC!

Take the Pressure Off, NYC! (TPO NYC!) is New York City’s first comprehensive, population-wide initiative focusing on preventing and controlling high blood pressure. The initiative aims to reduce the number of New Yorkers with raised blood pressure and reduce health inequities. This initiative is led by a coalition of faith- and community-based organizations, employers, health care systems, pharmacies, organized labor, health insurance payers, government agencies and other stakeholders.

The Health Department supports TPO NYC! by:

  • Facilitating meetings of the initiative's activity groups.
  • Offering technical assistance and resources
  • Reaching out and engaging with potential members to ensure broad representation and foster relationships among members.

To join the coalition or for more information, email Bloodpressure@health.nyc.gov.

TPO, NYC! Hypertension Community Champions

TPO, NYC! Hypertension Community Champions are actively involved within New York City communities and work for a variety of community-based organizations. They meet quarterly at the TPO, NYC! Hypertension Community Champions forum to share valuable resources and discuss the challenges facing communities most impacted by hypertension.

If you are interested in becoming a TPO, NYC! Hypertension Community Champion, fill out this form.



TPO, NYC! will host its next summit this fall.


TPO, NYC! paused summit activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The third annual summit launched plans for action created by the coalition. The theme was Addressing Hypertension at the Community Level and highlighted programs that address hypertension through community building, engagement and collaboration..


The coalition held its second annual summit, where it announced the TPO NYC! initiative. The theme for the summit was Creating the Solution Together: Addressing High Blood Pressure in NYC.


The first-ever Citywide High Blood Pressure Coalition convened, bringing more than 100 stakeholders together. This summit marked a first step in developing a citywide plan to address high blood pressure.

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