Community Needs Assessment (CNA)
Your Opinion Matters! Take 5-minutes to help us know what services you want and need in your local community. Visit today.
Join the NAB! 
Are you 16 years old or older and want to discuss what your community needs? Your community needs your voice, energy, and passion. Join your neighborhood advisory board (NAB) and decide neighborhood priorities. Complete an application today! 

Residents interested in joining a NAB and playing an essential role in their community
complete an application or contact DYCD's Community Connect by phone at
1-800-246-4646, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM, or by email at  
Building Bridges  
Accessing NYC Funding Opportunities 
Find out how to access NYC Funding Opportunities by attending a Building Bridges session on December 7th.  Learn how to open an account in PASSPort, which gives you access to NYC funding opportunities, apply for discretionary funding, and free capacity-building resources to strengthen your board and volunteers. Register using the Building Bridges Eventbrite link.
Not One More Shot
DYCD invites all New Yorkers to join the fight to end gun violence as part of the City's #NotOneMoreShotNYC Campaign. Take the pledge today! Young people play a role in reducing gun violence through their decisions. See some ideas that #NYCYouth put together to end gun violence on our YouTube page.  
Saturday Night Lights 
Saturday Night Light programs provide free high-quality sports and Saturday night activities for #NYCYouth ages 11-18, including basketball, soccer, volleyball, dance, martial arts, and more. One hundred thirty-one community gyms across the five boroughs help neighborhoods combat gun violence. Find a gym near you on the official SNL website.  
Public Hearings
Community voice informs and determines how federal funds for social services for low-income individuals and families are spent. The public hearings occur virtually and in person. Sign-up for the Public Hearing virtual session or attend the in-person session to testify. All sessions are open to the general public if you live or work in the Neighborhood Development Area (NDA).  
DYCD-Funded literacy programs assist New Yorkers in gaining the reading, writing, and communication skills they need to further their education or succeed in the workplace. Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs provide instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics to native English or English-fluent speakers; High School Equivalency (HSE) programs prepare students for the tests required for an HSE diploma. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes help students to improve their English language communication skills. Visit discoverDYCD to find a literacy program near you. 
Immigrant Services
Programs for immigrants that assist participants with accessing government benefits; application assistance (including assistance with matters relating to citizenship and immigration status): employment; healthcare; social services: and civics classes in preparation for citizenship. Families learn how to build self-advocacy skills and gain the knowledge to enable them to address specific challenges and navigate key systems that impact their lives. Visit discoverDYCD to find a literacy program near you or call the Community Connect hotline at 1-800-246-4646 or 646-343-6800, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, to find your local program.


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