

The following guidelines were written and reviewed in collaboration with WTC medical experts, including representatives from the three Centers of Excellence. Drafts of the guidelines were shared with labor and community representatives.

Released in 2006 by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, these guidelines provide information on the physical and mental health effects of exposure to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster in a single document with an algorithm charting the evaluation and treatment of persons with chronic cough. They provide information to help physicians assess exposures, assist in diagnosis and treatment, provide preventive services, and refer for consultation or specialty care. Pediatric guidelines were released in 2009.

What You Can Do

Ask your patients about their exposure to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster when performing routine patient medical or psychological evaluations, even for those who live outside of the New York City area. Thousands of workers and volunteers rushed to the scene in the days and weeks following the terrorist attacks to participate in the rescue and recovery operations. In addition, many commuters and residents of lower Manhattan who may have moved out of New York City following the attacks were exposed.

Refer patients with the symptoms described in the guidelines to the WTC Health Program which provides services to eligible individuals whose health was affected by 9/11 no matter where they live now.

Refer patients who have questions about the health effects associated with the collapse of the World Trade Center to this website. Of particular interest is What We Know About the Health Effects of 9/11.

Share your clinical knowledge and experience evaluating and treating patients with WTC-related physical health problems with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. E-mail Jim Cone at

World Trade Center Scientific Bibliography