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Will My Child Be Removed?

Most investigations do not result in a child being removed from their family and placed in the care of ACS.
Whenever possible, ACS will make efforts to keep families together, by working with you to find services to help you keep your children safe and well.

Emergency Removals

  • If, at any point during the investigation, ACS determines that the child is not safe in your home, ACS is required to conduct an emergency removal (during the hours Family Court is not in session).
  • After the removal, ACS will arrange for you to attend an Initial Child Safety Conference (ICSC) to discuss what should be done to keep your child safe.
  • At the conference, you have the right to bring family members and other supports.
  • You will also be offered the services of a Parent Advocate. Learn more

The Role of the Family Court

  • If your caseworker and the supervisor determine that no safety interventions can be put in place to eliminate the imminent danger to your child, ACS will seek a Family Court order to remove your child and place your child into foster care.
  • If CPS determines that it is safe for your child to remain at home while the family receives services, ACS will ask for those services to be provided under the supervision of the Family Court (court-ordered supervision). Your family must comply with these services in order for your child to remain at home.
    Learn more about the NYC Family Court
  • If your child can safely remain at home, ACS may offer voluntary services from an ACS contracted preventive agency or from community-based services in your neighborhood.

For more information on the child abuse investigation process, download and print:

A Parent’s Guide To Child Protective Services in New York City