New York City’s Direct Deposit Program

The City of New York is required by law to pay its vendors electronically if they have contracts to provide goods and services valued over $25,000. These vendors must enroll in the Vendor Payment Direct Deposit Program.

We encourage all vendors that do business with the City, regardless of their contract’s value, to enroll in direct deposit. Vendors who do not sign up for direct deposit are subject to a $3.50 fee per check.

Additional benefits of signing up for direct deposit:

  1. Electronic payment is safer and more secure. Paper checks can be lost in the mail, stolen, or delivered to the wrong address.
  2. Receive payments faster. Direct deposit payments are deposited directly into your bank account. You don’t have to wait for the check to arrive by mail or clear after it has been deposited.
  3. Electronic payment records are available online. Use the City’s Payment Information Portal (PIP) for current vendor payment records.

Technical Assistance

For help enrolling in the Vendor Payment Direct Deposit Program, please view the PIP help resources or call (212) 857-1777.