What We Do

What We Do

CGE is an advisory body that supports City agencies in dismantling institutional barriers for women and girls in order to achieve the Mayor's commitment to reduce gender-based inequity. CGE develops and supports policies that promote opportunities for women and girls in all areas including employment, housing, childcare, education, health and reproductive justice, criminal justice and public safety.

The CGE:

  • Serves as an advisory group to the Mayor on initiatives and methods to achieve the goals of the Mayor’s platform to reduce inequality, with a focus on gender-based inequity
  • Advocates for women, girls, transgender and intersex residents and support programs that have been created to remove barriers to full participation in all areas of women's personal and work lives
  • Studies the nature and extent of both the intentional and unintentional discrimination that women face in the City of New York, and their impacts on the economic, civic and social well-being of women
  • Makes recommendations to the Mayor regarding legislative or executive action to improve the lives of women
  • Educates the public about women's issues
  • Supports and works collaboratively with organizations in the public and private sectors working to expand opportunities for women