Development Temp Positions

Development Temp Positions

The Division of Preservation Finance administers multiple financing programs including the Multifamily Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (HRP), the Participation Loan Program (PLP), the Housing Preservation Opportunities Program (HPO), the Green Housing Preservation Program (GHPP), the Lead Hazard Reduction and Healthy Homes HUD Multifamily Program (HUD MF), the Third Party Transfer Program (TPT), Multi-Family Preservation Loan Program (MPLP), Neighborhood Pillars Program (“Pillars”) and the LIHTC Portfolio Preservation (Year 15) Program. These programs facilitate the financial and physical viability, as well as affordability of privately-owned multi-family and single-family buildings throughout New York City. The Division plays a key role in implementing the overall preservation strategy for HPD’s Office of Development in support of the Mayor’s Blueprint.

The Division of New Construction Finance (NCF) is part of the Office of Development which create or preserve affordable housing in New York City. NCF, in collaboration with other government partners, will create approximately 4,000 units of new housing each year for extremely low to middle income households. NCF administers four loan programs: : 1) Extremely Low & Low-Income Affordability (ELLA) Program, 2) the Mixed Income Program (Mix-and-Match), 3) Mixed & Midlle Income (M2) Program, and the 4) Neighborhood Construction Program (NCP).