Local Law 44

Local Law 44

Per Local Law 44 of 2012 (LL44), HPD must make information about housing development projects that receive City financial assistance available on its website and NYC Open Data. This information includes project and building information, city financial assistance, organization structures, rent and affordability by unit, and if wage information was submitted to the agency. Information is updated until project completion or permanent closing, depending on the type of submission.

Please email any questions about Local Law 44 submissions to locallaw44@hpd.nyc.gov.

Local Law 44 Submission

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Detailed instructions for developers and contractors submitting organization structures, rent rolls, and wage information available below and within each system.

Organization Structure Information

LL44 requires HPD to report the organization structures of the development team associated with housing development projects, which includes all owners and officers associated with the developer, General Contractor (GC), and subcontractors. For LL44 purposes, the developer is the Borrower Legal Entity (BLE), which is the entity that is the owner of the building.

The Local Law 44 Reporting System allows BLEs, GCs, and subcontractors to submit their organization charts for all projects subject to LL44. HPD requires organization structure information for BLEs and GCs to be submitted at the time of closing. Entities will be notified after closing, via email. Subcontractors will submit organization charts submissions once they perform project work on a LL44 project and start using the LL44 Reporting System.


Rent Roll Information

LL44 requires HPD to report rent and affordability information by unit for housing development projects, which includes bedroom size, maximum allowable household income AMI, and rent information (if applicable).

The eRent Roll System allows BLEs to submit rent rolls for all projects subject to LL44. HPD requires affordability and some rent roll information to be submitted at the time of closing. Entities will be notified after closing, via email, to submit this information. A final rent roll is also due upon construction completion.


Wage Information

LL44 requires HPD to collect wage information for housing development projects, which includes BLE information, a list of contractors, and payrolls for each covered contractor. This is collected on a quarterly basis for each employee of the BLE, GC, and subcontractors performing construction or rehabilitation project work on a housing development project, as defined by the law.

The Local Law 44 Reporting System allows BLEs, GCs, and subcontractors to submit wage information for all projects subject to LL44 in Excel, PDF, or other standard formats. Quarterly submissions are due 30 days following the end of each quarter until project completion or permanent loan closing.


Local Law 44 Open Data

LL44 requires HPD to report updates on housing development projects subject to the law every six (6) months until project completion, and every three (3) months for wage information. HPD provides this information as Open Data:

For questions about HPD's Open Data, please contact us at OpenData@hpd.nyc.gov.

Additional Information

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Developer Selection

For more specific information about RFEIs, RFPs, RFQs, term sheets, and other developer selection method criteria (section 26-902(10) of the law), please see the definitions and website links below. The HPD website provides detailed descriptions of the programs, requirements, guidelines, eligibility requirements, selection process, and any submission requirements.


If a developer is only receiving one or more of the following types of City financial assistance: (i) a loan or grant from HPD and there is no RFP or RFQ,(ii) a discretionary tax exemption; or (iii) a City allocation of low income housing tax credits.

  • To learn more about our financing programs and initiative, view our Development Programs.
  • Also, please note that 80/20, LAMP, Mitchell-Lama, New HOP, NYCHA Tax Credits, and Section 8 are not HPD program names. They may be New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC) or New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) program names. Projects with these program names are included in the report if the City is providing one of the types of financial assistance noted above. The developer selection method for these projects refers to the application associated with the project’s City financial assistance. (However, the “application” does not necessarily have to be an application form.)

Direct Negotiation

If a developer is selected due to its unique qualifications for the project and where it was neither practicable nor advantageous to use an RFP or RFQ.

Negotiated Sale

If a developer is selected to acquire property from HPD without an RFP or RFQ.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)/Request for Proposals (RFP)

If a developer is selected through an HPD RFQ/RFP to acquire property from HPD or to receive a loan from HPD.

Selected by Another Agency

If a developer is selected by another government agency. Please note that for any projects in which the developer was selected by another agency, the developer was subject to that agency’s criteria.

Construction Conditions

Local Law 44 of 2012 requires reporting information on the construction conditions of covered projects, but this information is not included in the LL44 Open Data. Construction conditions are collected and reported by the NYC Department of Buildings. The data may be viewed in the DOB Violations Open Data.

Prequalified and Disqualified Lists

Prequalified Lists

  • Prequalified List of M/WBE Sponsors: Lists Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) that have been assessed as prequalified to develop sites for affordable housing in New York City.

Disqualified Lists

  • List of contractors and subcontractors who are ineligible for inclusion on any HPD prequalified list(s) for housing development projects due to a failure to provide the wage reporting information required by LL44.