Technical Resources

The following manuals, guides and fact sheets are intended to provide technical assistance to property owners who would like to make changes to their buildings. They explain LPC's rules and regulations and how to get permits as quickly as possible, as well as how homeowners can reduce the carbon footprint of their historic properties without compromising their architectural features. 

Rowhouse Manual

Repairing, Retrofitting and Replacing Windows (Fact Sheet)

Barrier Free Access
Barrier-Free Access in Historic Buildings (Fact Sheet)

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Passive House and Other Deep Energy Retrofits
Installing Solar Panels
Greening NYC’s Historic Buildings

Flood-Proofing and Resiliency
Flood Shields, Barriers and Other Resiliency Measures


Applications for New Buildings and Additions with Occupiable Space: Zoning Compliance
Zoning Compliance Fact Sheet and Form

Major Excavation and Structural Work
Major Excavation and Structural Work
(Fact Sheet)


Small Business and Retail Establishments
Guidelines for Storefront Design in Historic Districts
Storefronts in Historic Districts (Fact Sheet)

Public Hearing and Community Board Process
LPC Public Hearing and Community Board Review Process (Fact Sheet)

Researching Buildings
Guide to Researching Historic Buildings

Designation Photos 
LPC Designation Photo Collection

Guidelines for Archaeological Work in New York City