NYCHA Alerts

NYCHA is committed to communicating effectively with residents and meeting their needs. Here, residents can sign up to receive the latest information on building service notifications and make NYCHA aware of special assistance that may be needed in the event of an emergency.

NYCHA Alerts Logo

NYCHA Alerts provide NYCHA residents with information about service outages and service restorations at their development. Residents should visit this website periodically to check the status of compactor, electricity, elevator, gas, heat, hot water, low voltage, and water service disruptions. Or, residents can subscribe to get status updates sent automatically by email.

Residents are strongly advised to sign up for NYCHA Alerts with an email account. Two free email service options are Gmail by Google and by Microsoft.

Notify NYCHA – Emergency Assistance Registration Form

We recognize that many NYCHA residents may need special assistance during emergencies such as a hurricane, blackout, or snowstorm. Please complete the Emergency Assistance Registration Form if you or someone in your household has a disability or medical condition and may require assistance during an emergency. Information on your specific needs will help us to coordinate with our fellow City agencies and other partners to deliver important services.

Complete the Emergency Assistance Registration Form

Gas, Heat and Hot Water Outages

As part of NYCHA’s commitment to increasing transparency and improving communication with our residents, we provide daily updates online regarding gas, heat and hot water issues at developments. This real-time, critical information is presented to stakeholders in a simple, easy-to-use format.

View current outages


The MyNYCHA mobile application, to be launched in the Summer 2015, will allow public housing residents to create, submit, schedule, view and update maintenance service requests, view alerts and outages related to their developments, view their scheduled inspections and maintain their contact information via their smartphones and tablets. MyNYCHA will empower residents to create service request 24/7 and reduce their need to call NYCHA’s Customer Contact Center.