
City Council Local Law Files

Fiscal Year 2024 September Capital Commitment Plan

Excel data files for the current commitment plan available for downloading:

Capital Commitment Plan
This dataset contains capital commitment plan data by project type, budget line and source of funds. The dollar values are in thousands. The dataset is updated three times per year in Preliminary, Executive and Adopted Budget to match commitment numbers in the Capital Commitment Plan publication.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset

Capital Project Detail Data - Dollars
This dataset contains capital commitment plan data by project type, budget line and source of funds. The dollar values are in thousands. The dataset is updated three times a year during the Preliminary, Executive and Adopted Capital Commitment Plans.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset

Capital Project Detail Data - Milestones
This dataset contains capital commitment plan data by managing agency, project identification number and project schedules. The dataset is updated three times a year during the Preliminary, Executive and Adopted Capital Commitment Plans.
Link to NYC OpenData dataset