NYC Civic Engagement Commission

Dear Friend,

I wanted to make sure you saw the news out of City Hall this week. Mayor Eric Adams took efforts to streamline the city’s civic engagement efforts by establishing the city’s first-ever Office of Engagement and appointing Betsy MacLean as its chief engagement officer.

The Chief Engagement Officer will ensure that the City coordinates community engagement efforts across agencies; systematically learns from communities to inform policy and programs; builds the capacity of all City agency outreach and engagement teams; and advances community-driven solutions. In addition to overseeing the Office of Engagement, the Chief Engagement Officer will lead the City’s primary engagement offices: Community Affairs Unit, Civic Engagement Commission, Public Engagement Unit, and NYC Service.

Hand in hand, the Mayor also announced:

  1. Dr. Sarah Sayeed to be re-appointed as the Chair and Executive Director of the CEC
  2. Kathleen Daniel to be appointed as the new Chief Democracy Officer, who will work under the CEC Chair & Executive Director

The CEC has achieved key milestones to foster greater democratic engagement since it was voted into existence in 2018. I’m thrilled and honored by this re-appointment to lead our office, to build on the foundation already laid, and continue working alongside diverse communities to build an even more inclusive city by strengthening civic trust.

I also wanted to share a note from my new colleague and now Chief Democracy Officer, Kathleen Daniel: "I am excited to join the Civic Engagement Commission under Dr. Sayeed's leadership. Our right to participate in democracy and to vote have been long fought and hard won. I look forward to encouraging and empowering New Yorkers to exercise their sacred right to vote."

We look forward to sharing more information with you as our work continues to develop into 2023. Thank you for your support and collaboration.

Dr. Sarah Sayeed
Chair & Executive Director
NYC Civic Engagement Commission


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