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Executive Order 90

December 21, 2021

Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption for NYC Fleet

Download Executive Order 90

WHEREAS, emissions from vehicles harm local air quality, increase serious illness among New Yorkers, and threaten public health;

WHEREAS, we face a clear global climate emergency, caused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels including for transportation;

WHEREAS, we all, especially those in leadership positions, have a moral, economic, public health, and security imperative to act to protect our planet, fellow human beings, and future generations;

WHEREAS, the City of New York has joined countries and cities around the world in committing to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in order to avoid the worst consequences of catastrophic climate change;

WHEREAS, Mayoral Executive Order 53 of 2020 currently requires the City fleet to transition to all electric and plug-in vehicle models by 2040;

WHEREAS, the fleet industry has made major strides toward expanding electric vehicle options in the last two years especially for light and medium duty vehicles including vans and pickups;

WHEREAS, SUVs increase emissions and maintenance costs as compared to sedans;

WHEREAS, the City already has in place electric and plug in vehicle options for light duty vehicles models such as sedans, SUVs, cross-overs, and mini-vans used by NYC Executive Offices;

WHEREAS, the leadership and engagement of senior level officials at every agency and office is critical to the implementation of the all-electric vehicle mandate and the expansion of electric vehicle charging that it will require; and

WHEREAS, senior leadership from NYC Executive offices and their fleet vehicles are highly visible at public events, meetings, and gatherings each day in the City;

NOW, THEREFORE, by the power vested in me as the Mayor of the City of New York, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1.  Acceleration of Electric Fleet Adoption for NYC Fleet. DCAS and OMB will accelerate replacement of City on-road fleet vehicles to electric models:

  1. By 2030, all light duty on-road vehicles will be electric models except those vehicles assigned to law enforcement and emergency response as defined by the State Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL). 
  2. By 2035, all light duty and medium duty on-road fleet vehicles, including those assigned to law enforcement and emergency response will be converted to electric models, and all non-emergency trucks will be converted to electric models.  Emergency and specialized trucks will be converted to electric models no later than 2040.

§ 2.  Acceleration of Electric Fleet Adoption for NYC Executive Offices. All senior executives who are assigned City fleet vehicles for work purposes are required to utilize a plug-in electric model no later than June 30, 2023 to the extent provided by DCAS.  This order covers senior executives who are authorized to commute with City vehicles, those who do not commute with City vehicles, and those who are assigned drivers.  This order shall cover all senior executive titles as listed in Executive Order 131 of 2010, as well as other titles as determined by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS).  This order also governs all assignments of vehicles to senior executives after June 30, 2023. 

§ 3.  Ending Unnecessary Use of SUVs.  DCAS and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will review the operational necessity of each SUV assigned to a staff person at any agency.  DCAS and OMB will also review each vehicle assignment to a senior executive governed by this order.  In each case where the vehicle assignment is deemed to be operationally necessary, the assigned vehicle will be transitioned to an approved electric vehicle model as determined by DCAS.  Where vehicle assignments are not deemed operationally necessary, the fleet unit will be down-sized, reduced or re-assigned at the impacted agency or office.   

§ 4.  Acceleration Plan for NYC Executive Offices.  No later than June 30, 2022, DCAS will establish a plan to transition each approved vehicle assignment under Section 2 of this order to an electric plug-in model.  DCAS will maintain electric vehicle contracts in all models used by Executive Offices including sedans, SUVs, mini-vans, and cross-overs, and will share the list of available models, costs, and charging requirements with impacted agencies.  DCAS will work with each agency to establish a charging plan for each impacted vehicle assignment.  In no circumstances will implementation of Section 2 of this order result in a fleet increase.  Agencies must salvage through DCAS and eliminate a non-plug in vehicle for the new plug in vehicle that will be purchased and assigned pursuant to this order.  DCAS will maintain a list of all senior executive vehicle assignments governed by this order.  DCAS will issue a report on implementation of this order no later than January 1, 2024. 

§ 5.  Emergency Response.  For the purposes of Section 2, executive officials in law enforcement and emergency response as defined by the State Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) may request exemptions from DCAS if the operational capabilities of the available electric vehicle models do not meet the emergency response requirements for each specific position.  DCAS will keep a list of approved exemptions and must re-authorize each exemption by June 30 of each year as new vehicle models become available through DCAS contracts.  Where an exemption is not re-authorized, a plan will be developed to transition that vehicle assignment to an electric plug in model within one year.  In addition, agency officials assigned electric plug in models may utilize non-electric vehicle models to respond to specific emergency situations such as a snowstorm or flooding situation.

§ 6.  Agency Cooperation. All agency heads are directed to cooperate fully with DCAS and the City’s Chief Fleet Officer in implementing and complying with this Executive Order.

§ 7.  Effective Date. This order shall take effect immediately.

Bill de Blasio