House Connections

The House Connection Unit was created for the inspection of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers within a property. Additionally, the Unit inspects detention tanks, yard drains, septic tanks and new sewer construction. 

When applying for a permit, only a Licensed Master Plumber (LMP) can submit the application, which consists of a House Connection Proposal or Site Connection Proposal. Both are drafted by a Registered Design Professional (RDP) – Professional Engineer or a Registered Architect). Once it is approved, the LMP can then submit an application to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for a Sewer Connection permit. 

The scope of some jobs varies. Sometimes, the work outlined in the House Connection Proposal or Site Connection Proposal is only for behind the property line. In this case DEP would advise the LMP to notify DOB and schedule the inspection accordingly. Only the LMP can request an inspection appointment.

To request a house connection inspection email DOB at and provide the following:


  • DEP permit number
  • new building number 
  • desired date and time of inspection
  • LMP contact Information (name, address and phone number
  • related detail of the inspection required.


NOTE: Preexisting sewer lines are inspected by the DEP. A Repair or Relay permit is required. For more information visit DEP

The sewer main is located in the middle of the street. From here, an LMP installs a new sewer pipe for connection to owner’s property. This allows for efficient elimination of all waste by its inhabitants. First, the LMP runs the sewer pipe across the roadway and sidewalk, where it will be inspected by DEP. Afterwards, the LMP runs the sewer pipe from the property line and connects it to the building foundation, where it will then be inspected by DOB. 

Since the physical sewer falls under the jurisdiction of DOB and DEP, it is the role of the LMP to schedule inspections with both agencies as the work progresses. Although the owner is not permitted to fill out any documents, the owner can still review all materials filed in in DOB NOW: Inspections and get the project status through the Building Information System (BIS). 

Again, the owner can confirm the inspection request has been submitted or see the results of an inspection after it has taken place at in DOB NOW: Inspections

What to Expect During Inspection

The owner or builder should expect the contractor/LMP to be ready for a complete and thorough inspection at the scheduled time to expedite sign-off on the work performed. When the inspector arrives on site for the inspection, the LMP should provide the following: 


  • House Connection Proposal or Site Connection Proposal
  • diagram of sewer as built
  • copy of the application for the permit
  • original permit


These documents contain crucial information for determining the correct location as well as cross referencing the owner information with the correct LMP and license. Upon passing the inspection, the inspector writes up a report and completes a Certificate of Inspection card. All related paperwork is then stapled together and submitted for supervisory review and sign-off.

Before the property owner can obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, the DOB sewer sign-off must be on the Required Items page to indicate that all work was performed per Code and all related paperwork was present for review and submittal. If the inspection fails, the LMP must remedy the outlined issues and reschedule the re-inspection for the next day or when all corrections are completed. 

NOTE: If the DOB House Connections inspector comes across a potential violation on the property being inspected, the matter will be forward to the appropriate DOB Enforcement Unit.

Project Tips

Here are some tips to consider before hiring an RDP, LMP or general contractor: 


  • For a seamless sign-off, the property owner should insist the RDP submit a PW6 - Certificate of Inspection on time, to ensure the LMP has all the documentation (including site plans) on hand during the inspection. 
  • Upon the final inspection, insist the LMP hand the inspector all the paperwork associated with a sign-off to include bar codes – bar codes are found on each document and required to scan information into the virtual folder. 
  • The property owner should login to the BIS and look for the sign-off in the Required Items page and print a copy of the sewer certificate of inspection from the Virtual Fold page.


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