Building Energy Performance Analysis


Two hands are visible in from of two computer screens, keyboards, a phone and a flashlight. Shelves with supplies are in the background.

Each year, DCAS works with City agencies to benchmark the energy performance of approximately 3,000 municipal buildings that are at least 10,000 gross square feet, as per the requirements of Local Law 84 of 2009. To perform the benchmarking process, DCAS analyzes energy and building data using the U.S. EPA Portfolio Manager tool, which allows users to compare the energy performance of their buildings to the national median energy usage of buildings of similar characteristics. DCAS uses energy benchmarking to gain detailed insight into buildings’ energy use and monitor energy performance relative to peers and over time. DCAS also uses the benchmarking results to identify facilities that are operating inefficiently and should be prioritized for energy conservation investments.

On September 1st every year, DCAS submits benchmarking results to the Department of Finance (DOF) for publication. The City’s annual benchmarking report includes source energy use intensity (EUI), total emissions, and Energy Star ratings (as available) for all benchmarked properties. DCAS also provides agency staff with access to agency-specific Portfolio Manager accounts that enable them to track building and portfolio-level performance over time.

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Energy Audits

An individual with a tablet stands in front of a fan motor auditing the blowers performance.

DCAS performs energy audits for City buildings 50,000 gross square feet or larger, to identify energy savings opportunities and comply with Local Law 87 of 2009. Findings from these audits are summarized in Energy Efficiency Reports (EERs), which DCAS shares with the Department of Buildings (DOB) and the impacted agencies. From FY08 to the end of FY19, DCAS has completed 938 audits and filed a total of 490 EERs with the NYC Department of Buildings.

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