Ryan White Part A Services for People with HIV

The NYC Health Department receives funding from the federal government to provide services to people living with HIV in New York City and the Lower Hudson Valley (Tri-County) Region of Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties.

The Ryan White Part A program funds medical and supportive services, such as case management and food programs. A complete list of Ryan White Part A funded services and locations in New York City and the Lower Hudson Valley Region can be found below.

Some programs have specific income and residency requirements as part of program enrollment. To learn more about all program eligibility requirements, contact a program agency directly. Also contact the agency before visiting or referring people to the program. Direct program contact information can be located by clicking on the agency link or by using the Ryan White Part A Referral Directory.

Service Categories and Locations

Care Coordination and Medical Case Management

Supports people with HIV to start and stay in medical care and take their medicine as prescribed.

Services include:

  • Medical case management, including patient navigation, social services and benefits coordination
  • Health education
  • Support for keeping up with prescribed medicines, including modified directly observed therapy (mDOT)
  • Immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy (iART)

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Early Intervention

Provides HIV testing in non-clinical settings and linkage to appropriate services.

Services include:

  • HIV testing and targeted counseling
  • Health education
  • Referral to PrEP and outreach services for those who test negative
  • Initiation of Immediate Anti-Retroviral Therapy (iART), referral services and linkage to care for those who test positive

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Emergency Financial Assistance

Provides one-time or short-term financial assistance to people with HIV for essential goods and services. Eligible persons may receive up to $5,000 per household annually.

Services include:

  • Emergency assistance payments providing short-term and limited assistance with utilities, housing, food (including groceries and food vouchers), and medicines
  • Referrals to medical and supportive services

Program Sites

NYC and Lower Hudson Valley

Food and Nutrition

Supports people with HIV who are experiencing or at risk of food insecurity.

Services include:

  • Home-delivered meals (at certain sites only), group meals, pantry bags and food vouchers
  • Individual and group nutritional education and counseling
  • Coordination and referral to additional supportive and care navigation services

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Harm Reduction

Provides easily accessible harm reduction, counseling and supportive services to people with HIV who use or previously used alcohol or drugs.

Services include:

  • Screening for substance use and assessing treatment needs
  • Individual and group counseling services for alcohol or drug use
  • Auricular (ear) acupuncture (at certain sites only)
  • Overdose prevention training
  • Health education
  • Coordination and referral to additional supportive and care navigation services

Program Sites



Provides emergency and transitional short-term housing, housing placement assistance, and short-term rental assistance to people with HIV who are homeless, unstably housed or at serious risk of becoming homeless. Programs collaborate with each program enrollee to develop an individualized housing plan to promote stable, long-term living situations, such as through transition to the Housing for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. For more information, visit Housing Services for New Yorkers Living with HIV.

Short-Term Housing

Emergency housing assistance aims to move people with HIV and their household members into transitional or permanent housing within 90 days. The goal of transitional housing is to move people with HIV and their household members into permanent housing within two years. Programs intend to assist certain priority populations based on age, housing status, immigration status, co-occurring illnesses and other criteria. To learn more, contact an agency directly.

Services include:

  • Emergency, short-term and permanent housing placement
  • Tenant advocacy
  • Individual and group supportive counseling
  • Life skills training
  • Referrals and linkage to medical and supportive services
  • Appointment accompaniment
  • Referrals to medical and supportive services

Program Sites


Housing Placement Assistance

Identifies and secures permanent housing for people with HIV and their household members. Programs intend to assist certain priority populations based on age, housing status, immigration status, co-occurring illnesses and other criteria. For more information, contact an agency directly.

Services include:

  • Short-term and permanent housing placement
  • Apartment inspections
  • Tenant advocacy
  • Referrals to medical and supportive services

Program Sites


Short-term Rental Assistance

Provides direct rental payments to landlords for people with HIV and their household members to secure or maintain stable housing. To be eligible for services, people with HIV must meet the HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) program medical and financial eligibility criteria, but be ineligible for HASA due to administrative reasons.

Services include:

  • Rent payment to landlords
  • Apartment inspection
  • Tenant advocacy
  • Referrals to medical and supportive services

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley


Provides comprehensive legal advocacy services for people with HIV.

Programs may assist with:

  • Immigration matters
  • Public benefits, including obtaining and maintaining cash assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, Medicaid and other health-related assistance
  • Addressing housing needs
  • End-of-life planning
  • Family and intimate partner legal matters
  • Child custody arrangements
  • Delegating powers of attorney
  • Other legal issues
  • Preparation of income tax returns, powers of attorney, living wills and other legal documents

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Medical Transportation

Provides transportation to medical and supportive services appointments for people with HIV who have no other means of transportation. Medical transportation services include taxi, van, bus, ambulette vehicles and gas vouchers from contracted transportation providers in Putnam, Rockland and Westchester Counties. Medical transportation may be provided between points within Putnam, Rockland and Westchester Counties, and in NYC.

Program Sites

Lower Hudson Valley

Mental Health

Provides comprehensive mental health services through health centers and community-based organizations that are co-located with or linked to HIV primary care providers.

Services include:

  • Individual and group mental health counseling
  • Individual and group counseling for alcohol and drug use
  • Psychiatric care
  • Seeking Safety services to address trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and drug use
  • Counseling around HIV treatment and prevention

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Non-medical Case Management for Currently Incarcerated or Recently Released Individuals

Non-medical Case Management for Currently Incarcerated or Recently Released Individuals

Connects people with HIV leaving NYC jails and New York State prisons to HIV care and supportive services via the Fortune Society’s work with NYC Health + Hospitals’ Correctional Health Services.

Services include:

  • Escort from Rikers to supportive services in the community
  • Development and maintenance of a transitional care plan
  • Support for initiation or maintenance of HIV treatment
  • Linkage to primary medical care
  • Coordinate with medical and supportive services
  • Assistance with housing and other social services

Program Sites


Oral Health Care

Provides periodic comprehensive screening and preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic oral health services for income-eligible people with HIV.

Services include:

  • Comprehensive dental care, including palliative services and rehabilitation of dentition
  • Oral health education
  • Appointment reminders

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

Outpatient Ambulatory Services

Provides professional diagnostic and therapeutic medical services to people with HIV who are 50 years of age and older in an outpatient setting.

Services include:

  • Comprehensive medical examination, including preventive screenings, risk assessments, and diagnosis and treatment of common physical and mental health conditions
  • Geriatric assessments
  • Medication prescription and medication therapy management
  • Health education and counseling services
  • Group physical and social activities
  • Continuity of care and management of chronic conditions

Program Sites


Support for Transgender, Intersex, Gender Non-Conforming and Non-Binary People

Provides gender-affirming counseling and linkage to health care for transgender, intersex, gender non-confirming and non-binary people with HIV, and support for their birth and chosen families.

Services include:

  • Individual counseling to support mental health and the development of coping skills
  • Family and group counseling
  • Counseling around HIV treatment and prevention
  • Linkage and referral to gender-affirming health care, including mental health services, medical care, alcohol or drug use counseling, and housing, legal and other supportive services

Program Sites


Supportive Counseling and Psychosocial Support Services

Provides individual, group and family-focused (chosen and birth) counseling services.

Services include:

  • Counseling for people who are not seeking treatment for a diagnosed mental health condition
  • Individual, family and group counseling
  • Seeking Safety services to address trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and drug use

Program Sites


Lower Hudson Valley

The Undetectables Program and Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services

Two additional HIV service programs supported by NYC Ending the Epidemic funds are the Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program and Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services. While these two programs are not funded by Ryan White Part A, they work closely with the Ryan White Part A Program to reduce HIV transmission, support HIV treatment, and improve health outcomes.

The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program

Addresses HIV-related stigma, supports retention in care and increases viral load suppression among people with HIV who experience barriers to taking their HIV medicines as prescribed and maintaining an undetectable viral load. This program is based on The Undetectables, a pilot project initially developed, implemented and evaluated by Housing Works Community Healthcare.

Services include:

  • Individual and group counseling to support taking HIV medicines as prescribed
  • Financial incentives for program enrollees who maintain an undetectable viral load
  • Modified Directly Observed Therapy (mDOT)

Program Sites


Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services

Expands access to harm reduction and supportive services for New Yorkers who use crystal methamphetamine, including people vulnerable to or living with HIV.

Services include:

  • Individual and group counseling services for alcohol or drug use
  • Overdose prevention trainings
  • Mental health counseling services
  • Health education
  • Navigation assistance, including referrals and accompaniment to health and supportive service appointments
  • Linkage to HIV testing, PrEP and emergency PEP

Program Sites


Additional Resources

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