Press Release

For Immediate Release


#PrepTalkNYC {Click to listen to episode 66}

April 23, 2021 — The New York City Emergency Management Department bids farewell to Commissioner Deanne Criswell, as she leaves the agency to become the first female administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). During her tenure with NYC Emergency Management, she led the agency in implementing virtual responses to emergencies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioner Criswell also supported program outreach innovations that ensured continued access and services to the most vulnerable populations, ranging from COVID-19 testing, to food distribution and to equitable vaccine access.  

On the latest episode of “Prep Talk,” Commissioner Criswell discusses her experience and challenges in responding to heat and snow emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of technology in emergency management response. Prior to joining NYC Emergency Management in 2019, Commissioner Criswell served in federal, military and local government response to complex incidents and disasters, including six years at FEMA.

“Leading New York City through the [COVID-19] response was one of the biggest challenges of my career, and the response that I’m the most proud of. We had a number of successes leading the coordination among the federal, state and local levels, as well as taking care of our people in their personal and professional needs,” said Commissioner Deanne Criswell. “It has been a privilege to serve as commissioner for New York City Emergency Management, and to work along this amazing and talented group of professionals.” 

Commissioner Criswell also discusses the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in the emergency management field for recruitment, policy and programs as the country continues to examine the impact of systemic racism. Under her leadership, NYC Emergency Management created its own equity and diversity council. You can listen to the latest episode on SoundCloud, iTunes, and Spreaker.


Deanne Criswell was appointed commissioner of the New York City Emergency Management Department in 2019. Prior to joining the agency, Commissioner Criswell served in federal, military and local government response to complex incidents and disasters, including six years at FEMA.

Criswell is a graduate of Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in technology education and training and holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Colorado, Denver and a master’s degree in homeland security from the Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security.

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