Repair with Elevation Program: Choose Your Own Contractor FAQ

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Can I use a Build It Back contractor for the elevation, but use my own contractor for the rest of the repairs?

No. Your CYOC contractor must be able to perform or subcontract out all of the work, including the elevation. If you want to have Build It Back elevate your home, you must use the City contractor for all of the work.

Who can perform the elevation?

Build It Back is no longer accepting applicaitons for subcontractors. Homeonwers in the Choose Your Own Contractor Program were required to use an elevation subcontractor approved by Build It Back. 

Elevation contractors must have been licensed and experienced, and must have had insurance and bonding as required by the Program. They also needed to have a satisfactory record of business integrity, specifically regarding complaints and violations.

Can I use Build It Back's design team to develop the elevation plans?

Yes. We strongly encourage you to use Build It Back's design team for your elevation plans. Our licensed design professionals will be preparing hundreds of elevation plans for the Build It Back Program and they are experienced with developing elevation plans for Sandy-damaged homes. Build It Back will do everything required for DOB approval, including surveys, borings, and other technical reviews.