Qualified Marketing Agent RFQ

Marketing Agent RFQ

Release date: 9/8/2020
Initial PQL published: 9/12/2022
Submission deadline: rolling

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and Housing Development Corporation (HDC) are seeking to identify entities for consideration as Qualified Marketing Agents to assume the marketing, lease-up, and sales responsibilities for City-sponsored affordable housing in HPD and/or HDC’s Marketing Affordability and Oversight Units’ portfolio (Applicant).

An initial list of Qualified Marketing Agents was published on September 12, 2022. Developers of City-sponsored affordable housing in HPD and/or HDC’s Marketing Affordability and Oversight Units’ portfolio must propose a Qualified Marketing Agent for HPD and/or HDC (Agency) approval to begin marketing prior to each marketing effort, as may be required by HPD and HDC’s Marketing Handbook: Policies and Procedures for Resident Selection and Occupancy (Marketing Handbook). The Marketing Handbook and accompanying attachments are available on HPD’s website. 

Submission Requirements

Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis, and the Agency will review applications on a bi-annual basis, beginning June 1st and December 1st of each year. Review timelines and frequencies are subject to change. The Agency anticipates that the Qualified List will be updated periodically.

RFQ Form

The RFQ, including registration, forms and attachments is now available. The RFQ contains a detailed description of the program, eligibility criteria and application requirements. Registration and downloading of the RFQ can be accomplished by clicking on the following link:

Additional forms


Interested parties may submit questions about this Request for Qualifications via email to MarketingRFQ@hpd.nyc.gov

People with disabilities requiring special accommodation should contact HPD’s Disability Services Facilitator at accessibility@hpd.nyc.gov.


HPD offers periodic trainings for the staff of Marketing Agents and developers, including entities interested in becoming a qualified Marketing Agent. If you or your staff are interested in attending an upcoming Marketing Agent training, please email nychpd_marketing@hpd.nyc.gov. Trainings are typically held every other month and are hosted virtually on WebEx over the course of two days. Information on other trainings required for qualified Marketing Agents, as well as all other requirements, are available by registering and downloading the RFQ forms above.