HUD Reporting

These resources are intended to assist Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead agencies, Continuum of Care (CoC) representatives, and HMIS vendors in designing, implementing, and maintaining an HMIS. Resources available include data standard manuals; trainings, templates and tools; and sample policies and procedures.

View System Performance Measures Resources
View Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) Resources
View Stella Resources
Housing Inventory Count & Point-In-Time (HIC PIT) Report (PDF) - Tuesday 1/24/2023

Annual Performance - Sage/HMIS

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires Continuum of Care (CoC) recipients to submit Annual Performance Reports (APR) within 90 days from the end of their grant operating year. HUD uses the APR to track the progress and performance of HUD-funded grants. On April 1, 2017, HUD required all CoC funding recipients to submit their APRs in a web-based reporting portal called Sage HMIS Reporting Repository.

HUD switched to Sage - from E-SNAPS - to allow recipients to submit data from their Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) databases via a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file import to eliminate manual data entry. Sage also increases the capacity of recipients, CoCs, and HUD to generate reports. Grant information in Sage is populated on a regular basis from the financial information from the Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) and includes grant application information submitted through the renewal process in E-SNAPS.

To view a sample APR click here.

To set up an account, visit the Sage HMIS Reporting Repository

For more detailed information and guidance regarding APRs and Sage, please visit HUD Exchange.