Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The New York City Water Board’s mission is to establish rates for and distribute the collected revenues of the Water and Sewer System (the “System”) of the City of New York, proactively considering the optimal level to achieve efficient financing of the System’s infrastructure and sustainable provision of high-quality service at a fair price to our customers. In fulfilling its mission, the Board will actively take into account drivers affecting the financial condition of the System, such as the operating and capital needs of the System, protection of the watershed, regulatory requirements and other relevant factors.

Date Adopted: March 18, 2011

Performance Goals and Measurements:
  • Performance Goal – Set rates at a level for which revenue collections will satisfy revenue requirements of the System.
  • Measurement – Were the fiscal year’s revenue requirements met?
  • Performance Goal – Effectively seek input on System rates.
  • Measurement – Did the Board conduct effective rate hearings at times and locations that facilitated broad public participation?
  • Performance Goal – Establish rates that are fair and affordable.
  • Measurement – How do water and sewer rate increases compare to other consumer cost increases? How do water and sewer charges track as a percentage of household income? How do water and sewer charges track as a percentage of a building’s total operating costs?
  • Performance Goal – Establish rates at a level that provides for sustainable, high-quality delivery of water and sewer services.
  • Measurement – Have rates resulted in sufficient, stable and predictable revenue streams that have enabled favorable financing terms and allowed for operations and maintenance of the System at a level that will ensure the System’s long-term sustainability?

Measurement Report