Overall Crime Continues to Drop in New York City Through April 2018

May 8, 2018

New York City experienced a continued reduction in index crime for April 2018, continuing the downward trend. There were 7,199 index crimes reported for April 2018, compared with 7,484 for April 2017, or -3.8%. This reduction in crime contributes to the 1,148 fewer overall index crimes year-to-date in New York City, compared with 2017, making the year-to-date reduction also -3.8%.

There were 22 murders reported in April 2018, compared with 21 reported in April 2017. This is an increase of one murder, or +4.8%. There were 172 rapes reported in April 2018, compared with 119 in April 2017. This is an increase of 53 crimes, or +44.5%. There were 900 robberies reported in April 2018, compared with 1,050 in April 2017. This is a reduction of 150 crimes, or -14.3%. There were 1,556 felonious assaults reported in April 2018, the same amount compared with April 2017. There were 905 burglaries reported in April 2018, compared with 922 in April 2017. This is a reduction of 17 crimes, or -1.8%. There were 3,241 grand larcenies reported in April 2018, compared with 3,462 in April 2017. This is a reduction of 221 crimes, or -6.4%. There were 403 grand larceny autos (GLA) reported in April 2018, compared with 354 in April 2017. This is an increase of 49 crimes, or +13.8%.

Shooting incidents declined, with 49 incidents reported in April 2018 compared with 68 incidents in April 2017. This is a reduction of 19 shootings, or -27.9%. There were 184 crimes reported in the Transit Bureau in April 2018, compared with 177 in April 2017. This is an increase of 7 crimes, or +4.0%. There were 352 crimes reported in the Housing Bureau in April 2018, compared with 387 in April 2017. This is a reduction of 35 crimes, or -9.0%.

Note: All crime statistics are preliminary and subject to further analysis, revisions, or change.