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Chapter I - Subchapter A

§1-06 Computation of time.

OATH practice is to recommend suspension penalties in calendar days unless otherwise specified. A reference to “days” in a recommendation means calendar days, not working days. Dep’t of Sanitation v. Boyd, OATH Index No. 104/99, letter dated Oct. 9, 1998 to department advocate (Sept. 30, 1998).

In human rights case, motion for certification for interlocutory review and a stay of the proceedings denied as untimely because the motion was not filed within five calendar days of the issuance of the ALJ’s decision, as required. Comm’n on Human Rights v. Coticelli, OATH Index No. 970/11 (Aug. 19, 2011), adopted, Comm’n Dec. & Order (Nov. 21, 2011).