NYC Opportunity Reporting

Social Indicators Report

Social Indicators Report

The Social Indicators Report is an analysis of social conditions across New York City, including geographic and demographic breakdowns, changes over time, and the Mayor's plan for responding to problems highlighted in the report. Data from the report can be downloaded here: Social Indicators Report Data. See also, the recently released Disparity Report, on racial disparities between young men, as well as between young women, in Education, Economic Security and Mobility, Health and Wellbeing, and Community and Personal Safety produced by the Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence (CIDI).

Social Indicators Report

CEO Poverty Measure 2005 – 2014

The NYC Center for Economic Opportunity's most recent annual report on poverty, “The CEO Poverty Measure, 2005-2014,” is now available and finds that the citywide poverty rate remained statistically unchanged in 2014. Please read the Executive Summary for an overview of the report