Why File a Complaint with the CCRB?

People file complaints for many different reasons and with different goals in mind. Here are a few possible reasons: 

  • Receive a Fair Hearing
    • Filing a complaint means that the alleged misconduct will be investigated by an independent, impartial body. Police officers are often disciplined when the board finds that they committed misconduct. 
  • Speak Directly to the Officer
    • You may be offered the option of having your complaint mediated. Mediation lets you resolve a complaint by talking with the officer face-to-face. You and the officer meet in a neutral space and have a discussion under the guidance of a trained and independent mediator. 
  • Create a Record
    • By filing a complaint, you are making a permanent record that will remain in the officer’s personnel history. 
  • Change the Officer’s Behavior
    • Officers are often retrained and disciplined when the CCRB finds that they committed misconduct. This can prevent future abusive behavior.  .
  • Change Police Department Practices
    • Complaints can alert police supervisors about abusive practices within their precincts or commands. Plus, the CCRB monitors complaint activity for patterns of misconduct or evidence of problems with departmental training and policies and recommends solutions to the police commissioner. r.

What Happens When You Delay Filing

Investigations become more difficult with the passage of time. It is harder to collect evidence and, in most cases, administrative discipline for misconduct can only be brought against a police officer within 18 months of the date of the incident and the investigation can take a year or more to complete.