Jamaica Planning Initiative

Untitled Document

Jamaica Planning Initiative

The Jamaica Planning Initiative was conducted by the Mayor’s Office in partnership with Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, to identify community priorities and create a coordinated and equitable economic development strategy in one of our City’s great transportation, culture, arts, and commerce centers  – Jamaica, Queens.

This plan is a product of 9 months of planning and outreach that included over 30 meetings with community stakeholders and elected officials. Two large public meetings each with more than 300 people were held in the Spring and Fall 2014. The Jamaica Now Action Plan incorporates the recommendations from key stakeholders including the Regional Plan Association, Greater Jamaica Development Corporation and York College and sets forth action items for investments that will strengthen connections between existing assets, support growth, and address community concerns.

Below is an image of the Timeline and Engagement Process chart (on the left) and a map of the Jamaica Now Action Plan Study Area (on the right). Both can be found on the second page of an accessible pdf of the Jamaica Now Action Plan.

Timeline and engagement process
Jamaica now action plan study area

 The strategic actions outlined in the Jamaica Now Action Plan focus on the following three goals:

  • Increase quality jobs and small business support  by:
    • Steadily driving economic growth in Jamaica by connecting workers to high growth industries and quality employers
    • Enhancing and expanding youth and young adult training programs
    • Supporting existing businesses and budding entrepreneurs.
  • Promote commercial growth and economic development by:
    •  Leveraging existing assets to spur the local economy and build a more dynamic neighborhood identity by revitalizing commercial corridors
    • Bolstering Jamaica’s cultural district
    • Strengthening York College’s role as a downtown anchor
  • Improve livability for residents and visitors alike through:
    • Investing in transportation, health and safety, parks and open space, and affordable and mixed-income housing