Acceptable Use Policy

Load tests and security scans may not be performed on the NYC.ID platform without prior coordination with the NYC.ID Team. Peformance and security testing may only be conducted on the Non-Production (NON-PRD) environment. The following rate limits apply to the environment and not individual service accounts. Exceeding these rate limits will cause requests to queue.

! IMPORTANT: The number of requests per second applies to all APIs and/or User Flows combined.

Request Type APIs and/or User Flows Requests per second
Login Authenticate Web Service 7.5
! IMPORTANT: A short delay is possible between the writing of account data and its availability in search queries.
Registration Registration 1.5
All Other 15

! IMPORTANT: The Production (PRD) environment rate limits are significantly higher than NON-PRD and requests will not queue. If a rate limit is exceed, NYC.ID PRD will respond with an error.