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For the Consortium Institutions

The Gown Advisory Council (GAC) is created under the Master Academic Consortium Contract registered with respect to each of academic institutions listed below:

Under the Master Academic Consortium Contract, each academic institution identifies at least one representative to participate in the GAC, which will meet periodically to raise, discuss and resolve issues related to the Master Academic Consortium Contract.  Among the issues the GAC focuses on are:

    • supporting Town+Gown’s systemic action research cycle, including the annual research agenda,
    • refreshing the institutional memory at Consultant entities with respect to Town+Gown and this Consortium Contract, so that Town+Gown RFPs receive the greatest exposure to and thus highest practicable level of competition within Gown, and
    • increasing built environment applied research in the context of Town+Gown, including but not limited to collaborating on increasing third-party funding for such research.

GAC Representatives


Master Academic Consortium Contract

Any combination of City agencies, State agencies and certain not-for-profit corporations, using their own funds (collectively the "requesting entity") can utilize the Master Academic Consortium Contract by submitting a Town+Gown RFP document to Town+Gown/DDC as administrator for the Master Academic Consortium Contract, for Town+Gown to transmit to the consortium pool of institutions.  For more information, please see this document.

Town+Gown Director: Terri Matthews
(212) 313-3546

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