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Small Business Help

If You Are A Small Business Owner And You Do Not Have A Lawyer Or A Paid, Professional, Registered Representative:

OATH will provide you with the opportunity to speak with an OATH Procedural Justice Coordinator who can provide you with legal information and resources to help you prepare for your case. These individuals can provide you with information about the hearing process, the options available to you, and answer questions that you may have. These individuals *cannot* provide you with legal advice. Free foreign language services are available upon request.

OATH maintains a strong working relationship with NYC’s Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and our Procedural Justice Coordinators can refer you to specialized agents at SBS that can help you address specific business needs including:

  • Free consultations and business site visits so you can find out how to stay in compliance with New York City regulations and avoid fines, tickets, and citations;
  • Free assistance from Small Business Advocates and other resources throughout New York City to help you cut through the red tape at City and State regulatory, permitting and licensing agencies;
  • Free Pro Bono Legal Assistance for Small Businesses through SBS that will help you with a wide range of issues from HR employment contracts to commercial lease renewal

More links to helpful information for small businesses can be found below.

*In order to schedule an appointment with the OATH Help Center, please email us at or call us at (212) 436-0845.*

Please note, that all appointments with the OATH Help Center should be made prior to the day of your hearing.

OATH Fact Sheets for Small Businesses:

Information for Small Businesses

NYC Department of Consumer Affairs (“DCA”) Settlements (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)

Summonses Where Your Property Was Taken Away (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)

Helpful Information for Restaurant Owners (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)

Helpful Information for Food Vendors/Food Carts (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文)

Helpful Information for Haircutters, Hair Salons, and Barbershops (Español) (اللغة العربية) (বাংলা) (中文) (Français) (Kreyòl) (한국어) (Polskie) (Русском) (اردو)

Helpful Information for Nail Salons (Español) (中文) (한국어)

More Resources:

Guide to Common Violations/Summonses Issued to Businesses

Inspection Checklists to Help You Learn what Inspectors Look For

What to Expect When You Are Inspected (for Food Service Establishments)

Assistance & Guidance for Businesses Impacted Due to Novel Coronavirus

SBS Business Solution Center

How to Apply for a DCA License

How to Renew a DCA License