Icebreaker:  Check out your Workbook!


Throughout this journey you've built a portfolio that includes your cover letter, your resume, and a LinkedIn page, and your action plan (Career Plan). You’ve also developed relationships and expanded your network to support future job opportunities.

Now it’s time to celebrate, finalize future career planning and money management, and showcase your work!



Today,you will:

  • Understand how to be successful and build the life you want
  • Analyze what you would like to accomplish in life and what habits you may need to work on
  • Create an ‘About Me’ page to promote who you are and showcase your work

Portofolio Workbook Steps: Each step should take 1 hour.


First, revisit your Workbook and review the work you’ve completed during this experience. Identify what you’re most proud of and what you would like to showcase to your family, peers, or professional network. You decide what is the most meaningful!

  • While you’re doing this, consider your audience.
  • What might you show to a friend or family member? What would you present to a future employer?
  • Are there any items you would like to spend more time on, or have someone review and provide feedback?


There are two poems to read: The Dash and Autobiography in Five Chapters.

  • Read through The Dash
Complete the reflection in your Workbook: What Do I Want to Do With My Dash?
  • Read through The Autobiography
Complete the Autobiography Reflection. What are some habits you’ve learned about yourself this summer that you want to change? What holes do you want to walk around? What new streets do you want to try?


Finally, make a strong commitment to your future by building an About.me page or similar web presence. An ‘About Me’ page is a great digital tool to promote your professional brand and showcase your skills, experience, and interests.

While you’re doing this, check out this Step-by-Step guide to help shape what you want to include. Consider where you are in your career journey and where you want to go next. Think about past experiences, the skills you’ve developed, and what you want to share with future employers. Remember, this is your story and your brand - create something unique that connects with your audience and showcases who you are!

Now, take a deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve completed all 15 sessions and a lot of work along the way. Now it’s time to celebrate yourself, thank those who supported your journey, and commit to achieving your goals!

As you take your next steps, whether that’s pursuing your dream career, enrolling in a credentialing program, or finding an internship, remember this quote: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” — Barack Obama

Be well, be safe, and remember that this is your journey - make it YOURS!