Icebreaker: Does music give you energy? Check out Songs Giving Us (Much Needed) Life from NPR’s Code Switch Podcast to fuel your day!


Have you ever wondered what it takes to boss up? When you think of a leader in the workplace, you might think of the boss. You know, the supervisor who gets to tell everyone what to do. However, being a boss is not just about the title. Bossing up is about developing leadership skills and behaviors that support your growth, inspire the people around you, and create change. Core leadership skills are often called soft skills - the ability to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve. Today you will highlight your leadership skills (your superpowers) by creating or revising your resume, starting or refreshing your LinkedIn page, and crafting your Career Plan.

Before you start, check out this video about Being Bold in the things that matter.



Today,you will:

  • Understand how to make a match between you and potential jobs
  • Analyze examples of strong resumes and cover letters and create your own
  • Create or enhance your LinkedIn page

Portofolio Workbook Steps: Each step should take 1 hour.


First, you are going to create or revise your resume. A resume is a document that highlights your experience and skills, and provides the most important information an employer needs to know when they consider a new hire.

Remember, a resume is not only for looking for a job. You’ll need a resume for applying to credentialing programs, colleges, and even volunteer positions. Visit this link to learn more. You can use your Workbook, a word document, Canva, or Resume Builder to create your resume. Check out this link to learn some helpful tips and tricks.

While you're doing this, consider two people you will ask to review your work and provide feedback. Remember to protect your privacy and leave off your home address and contact information for now.

BONUS: Check out this video to learn more about 10 of the most common soft skills employers are looking for in a new employee. Have you included any of these on your resume?


Next, you will review and analyze examples of strong cover letters. A cover letter is a one-page document that you submit as part of your job application (alongside your resume). A strong cover letter is carefully crafted to highlight specific skills, accomplishments, and career interests. It should be tailored to a specific job and communicate why you think you’d be a good fit for the position. Review these sample cover letters or these.

While you’re doing this, consider what language makes a strong impression. What do you notice about formatting? What do you like? What might be missing?

Next, use your resume and cover letter to create or revise your LinkedIn page. In Session 4 we explored the power of networking. LinkedIn is a professional networking platform where you can showcase your experiences and connect with potential employers.

Visit this website to learn more tips on how to build your LinkedIn page.

While you’re doing this, consider what experiences you want to highlight and specific skills you’ve developed through your experiences. Remember, your LinkedIn page represents your professional brand - customize your page to reflect your personality, strengths, and interest.


Finally, start to explore potential jobs by visiting a job board and identify three jobs that you’re interested in. Before you start, revisit the Career Scavenger Hunt you completed in Session 6 to help you identify the sector(s), core skills, and interests associated with your career goals. You can explore the job boards listed below, or search through resources you’re familiar with.

  • Idealist: Idealist is all about connecting idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration. You can find jobs, volunteer opportunities, or explore idealists career advice blogs and resources to support your search.
  • Indeed: Indeed is an amazing job board because the database aggregates jobs from all over the internet, kind of like Kayak.com for travel. If you’re looking for efficiency, be sure and check out Indeed.
  • LinkedIn: You've already spent some time building out your profile. Now you can put this networking tool to work by applying for jobs directly through the platform and set up job alerts based on your interests and experience.

Check out this video to learn how to start your search.

Remember, while job search engines can provide an efficient means of identifying and applying for jobs, it’s important to utilize some proactive techniques to leverage the power of the

Share your work with your host site. When you're ready, move on to Session 12!