Icebreaker: Take a moment to practice mindfulness and set an intention for the day by watching this 5-minute guided video.


It’s time to activate your professional network! In Session 4 and in the Hats and Ladders App, you explored the characteristics of a healthy professional relationship and discovered strategies to expand your connections.

Don’t forget, you have lots of connections with individuals who can support your career growth. They may be family friends, local business owners, social media connections, Design Team members, teachers or coaches.

You’ve already started building your network - now it’s time to mobilize it and learn how to sustain it.



Today,you will:

  • Understand how to build your professional network
  • Learn strategies to sustain your professional relationships
  • Practice networking

Portofolio Workbook Steps: Each step should take 1 hour.


First, you will explore more strategies to learn how to build your networking muscle. To start, watch the video How to Network Like a Pro.

As you watch, consider who you want to meet in your industry and why? How might this person expand your connections or support your career growth? If you connect with them digitally, what might be an action to take to follow-up your network invitation?

Use your Workbook to identify three conversation starters, one question, and follow-up strategy, to support your networking success!


Next, revisit your LinkedIn page and see if there is anything you want to revise. Consider your ‘About’ statement. Does this reflect your current interests and career goals? Make sure to update your experience as well as your skills.

Once your profile fully demonstrates your expertise and experience, research groups in your industry and join those that interest you. Then, connect with 5 people by browsing through the “People you may know” section of your My Network page, or simply enter the person's name into the search bar on the LinkedIn homepage. Be sure to send a personalized message along with your invite.

You can utilize some of the tools below or what you learned in the Hats and Ladders 2 course to support this work.

  1. Want People to Accept Your LinkedIn Request? Use these 10 Templates
  2. LinkedIn Networking: How to Cultivate Meaningful Connections Online
  3. How to Maximize Your LinkedIn Endorsements


Finally, consider one person who has helped you along your leadership and career journey and write them a thank you note. A big part of maintaining professional relationships includes showing appreciation or gratitude when someone supports you.

Maya Angelou said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Make someone feel great today! You can use an email, an e-card, or design a personalized note. While you’re doing this, check out this resource to help craft your letter.

For your last step, identify one person you worked with this summer who can

a.) provide a reference letter for a future job opportunity and/ or
b.) endorse your skills on LinkedIn.

When you're ready, craft an email to this individual.

Now, move on to Session 14!