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Group Resources Frequently Asked Questions

Who participates in a Group Process?

Participants are determined during the planning stages of conflict intervention. Generally, participants include a work unit or team that is in conflict. However, conflict does not always have to be present. It is common to use a Circle to build support amongst the team and/or a Group Facilitation for a neutral to facilitate effective group meetings or enhance collaboration on projects. 

How many people can participate in a Group Process?

It varies and is to be determined during the preparation stages. There is no hard and fast rule as to how many people may participate in a group process, such as a circle or a group facilitation, but it typically supports three or more people.

Are the conversations confidential?

Unlike in a Mediation for which both parties agree to confidentiality by signing a consent form, confidentiality in Group Processes varies. The information gathered during preparatory meetings tends to highlight needs of individuals that often times need to be named in other parts of the process. For cases in which confidentiality needs to be maintained, the Center's facilitators work with each individual to discuss options. If a process needs to be confidential, that will be discussed and agreed by all participants. Within a Circle Process, confidentiality is determined by the participants at the beginning of the process.