Maternal Health Action Kit

There is an ongoing maternal health crisis in New York City, particularly among communities of color. Recent reports indicate that Black women were nine times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause and three times more likely to experience severe maternal morbidity than White women. Latina women also experienced severe maternal morbidity and pregnancy-related death at nearly twice the rate of White non-Latina women. These inequities persist due to structural racism that deny women of color the opportunity to pursue their optimal health across the life course — before, during and after pregnancy.

This Action Kit helps health care providers be a partner in their patients’ health by helping them to identify and manage chronic diseases, engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors and advocate for their health and their rights. Providers have the opportunity to educate and counsel their patients to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

Provider Resources

Patient Education Resources

Healthy Eating and Active Living

Managing Chronic Disease

Having a Healthy Pregnancy

Respectful Care at Birth

More Information